Ball Effect System 3 Cushion Billiards
Ball Effect System 3 Cushion Billiards Lessons
While learning 3 cushion billiards, pool shots pose new challenges to new players. They cannot decide which thickness ratio and which effect they will give.
This is my system...
Ball Effect English System 30
Ball Effect English System 30:
In the 2 ball large system, a light bulb burned in my head on the question of our Youtube friend.
The question was about the shot thickness ratio and effect.
I thought...
Umbrella System Raymond Ceulemans 50
Mr. 100 Umbrella System Raymond Ceulemans 3 Cushion Billiards Starting 50:
Starting 50 Youtube videos, Bilardo Matematiği 3 cushion billiards lessons. Umbrella system starting 45, calculation.
Umbrella System Raymond Ceulemans 45
Mr. 100 Umbrella System Raymond Ceulemans 3 Cushion Billiards Starting 45:
Starting 45 Youtube videos, Bilardo Matematiği 3 cushion billiards lessons. Umbrella system starting 40 , calculation.