3.6 System 3 Cushion Billiards
3.6 System 3 Cushion Billiards:
Half-turning figures
This chapter contains a counter-effect method that will garner admiration from your opponent ... You won't believe how exactly this works if you have absorbed this substance.
The first figure...
V Zigzag System 3 Cushion Billiard
V Zigzag System 3 Cushion Billiard:
Zigzag shots are extremely difficult for beginners on 3 cushion billiards. On the short band side, it is a Bilardo Matematiği system that is easy to learn and provides...
3.6 System Double Cushion
3.6 System Double Cushion 3 Cushion Billiards:
The exit score is 20 shot points 0. The exit points increase by 15 points, while the shot points increase by 10 points. For example, 35 10 shots,...